Here I am again... how many days, weeks {month?}
since I told myself {and you} that I was in fact going to keep at this thing?
I fail. End of story.
since I told myself {and you} that I was in fact going to keep at this thing?
I fail. End of story.
On a lighter note. Here are some pics I've taken since I've here last that I happen to highly enjoy :)

how on earth did this 'lil man go and turn ONE on me?!

lovin' his party shoes.

prince for the day :)

he was a natural at the whole cake eatin' thing!
I can still remember a year ago when I posted pictures from my visit with him at two days old in the hospital. Its crazy how fast time flies. Trae is the definition of a chunky monkey but it fits him so. He is so lovable and squeezable and for the most part easy going {minus the fact that he has an ongoing cold/ear infection(s) for the past 3 months and slightly more fussy}. He laughs at himself, absolutely LOVES his dog Bailey and puts up with his somewhat overbearing older brothers like a champ. I feel lucky to have been a part of the first year of his life and look forward to seeing him learn and grow in the future.
I can still remember a year ago when I posted pictures from my visit with him at two days old in the hospital. Its crazy how fast time flies. Trae is the definition of a chunky monkey but it fits him so. He is so lovable and squeezable and for the most part easy going {minus the fact that he has an ongoing cold/ear infection(s) for the past 3 months and slightly more fussy}. He laughs at himself, absolutely LOVES his dog Bailey and puts up with his somewhat overbearing older brothers like a champ. I feel lucky to have been a part of the first year of his life and look forward to seeing him learn and grow in the future.
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