1. i turn 25 in less than two months. not cool.
2. i have two children. (yess they are dogs)
3. i went to 5 colleges in 6 years. (one class away from graduating...finally)
4. my major is (after changing 4 times) child development
5. i want to work with kids... what that means exactly, i do not know.
6. i have been a nanny for almost 4 years (many families, some good, some bad)
7. i live with my mom
8. my parents divorced after 33 years of marriage. who woulda known?
9. i thought i was one of the lucky ones who's parents DON'T divorce
10. haven't seen my dad since graduation in june...8 months ago :(
11. i have a small group of "best" friends that are absolutely amazing
12. i have a small group of acquaintance's that are also pretty amazing
13. children make me happy.
14. my boyfriend and i have been together since i was 19.... did i mention i'm almost 25?
15. i fear not being able to "make it" in this economy (especially in ca)
16. my sister is pretty cool. and even tho we are almost 4 years apart and very very different, i consider her one of my best friends.
17. my mom gets on my last nerve but i love and respect her more than anything.
18. i love my newest nanny job and am sad it cant/wont last forever.
19. i can't (can) wait to have kids of my own.
20. bella is just like me. milo is just like dad (the bf).
21. i cherish the fact that i was raised where i was (grandma across the street, cousins around the corner, uncle up the street).
22. i fear global warming
23. i love the sun.
24. i love shopping for kids clothes :)
25. i need a vacation. badly.
26. i am praying stellan.
27. i drive a toyota corrola and wish it were in better condition (grateful that its still in GOOD condition however)
28. i love my cousins. they are more like siblings or best friends.
29. i dream to succeed.
30. i should go to bed.
there might be more to this list. there might not be. who knows. i am tired. i'll figure that out in the morning.

btw, i need to move out of mother's house.