On Tuesday, the boys and I (anyone who knows me knows exactly who I am referring to when I say "the boys") got to visit mommy and new brother Trajan in the hospital. After working for this family for over three years, they feel more like family than my employers and I was so grateful to be able to visit the new little one before he came home on Thursday. He is probably the cutest little peanut I have ever seen but then again, I might be a little biased! ;)

not even 48 hrs old yet... yummy, yummy ♥

big brother aidan (the "oldest"... 6 minutes older than alaric)

big brother alaric, who i was lucky to get this picture of...
he's still getting used to the idea of baby brother.

aidan, trajan, and alaric. my, now, three favorite boys!

i swooped him up about 45 seconds after we walked in the room :)

taking it all in. love me some baby boys
(in the least creepy way possible, of course!)
mom and baby T are home now, readjusting to life at home. unfortunately, both aidan and alaric were sick or getting sick (alaric had a ear infection as of thursday and aidan was headed in that direction), not the best conditions for bringing home a new baby but I'm sure they'll make it work! I couldn't wait until my next work day to see him again so I am using my mom as an excuse to go visit today! I'm so sneeky... not.
That's it for now!
ps. don't be surprised if you see A LOT more of these three on this little bloggy blog of mine :)
pps. the space bar onmy keyboard isnt working and its bugging the crap out ofme!